Understanding The Emotional Impact Of Divorce On Men - Bineham & Gillen Understanding The Emotional Impact Of Divorce On Men - Bineham & Gillen

divorceUnderstanding The Emotional Impact Of Divorce On Men

January 2, 2024by James Gillen

Expert Insights From Bineham & Gillen

Dealing with a divorce is tremendously stressful for all parties involved, but unfortunately, the effects of divorce on men often get overlooked. Statistically, women initiate almost 70% of divorces, so it’s common that people assume they hold the most emotional distress.

However, men deal with a unique set of complications that can affect their mental state and health. Read on to take heart in some divorce advice for men from the team at Bineham & Gillen.

How Divorce Changes A Man

Any time a partnership like a marriage is dissolved, the effects on each party can be significant. From emotional and mental aspects to financial and legal considerations, there are many parts that make a divorce unusually taxing.

While any person navigating a divorce can experience a wide range of obstacles, there are some specific challenges that the average man may encounter. Below are some of the most common issues that men face while going through a divorce.

Emotional Distress

Considering women file for the majority of divorces, it often comes unexpected to men when their wives file for divorce — even when the relationship has been unhappy. This means that men have to deal with a spectrum of feelings while carrying on with their responsibilities.

Throughout the history of time, men have been told to not outwardly express emotion. Instead of being able to face their emotions healthily, they tend to suffer in solitude to protect their ego. This can have a devastating effect on a person’s life, including their other relationships and career.

Risks Of Poor Health

The National Institutes of Health found that, “The experience of separation or divorce confers risk for poor health outcomes, including a 23% higher mortality rate.” The very process of separating or divorcing from a spouse leads to an average lower life expectancy. With the added stress of hiding or bottling emotions, men are at a high risk for physical illness after a divorce.

Financial Struggles And Self-Esteem

The amount of money that is spent during a divorce can be astronomical. Legal fees, settlements and debt tend to add up quickly. Assets are usually divided evenly, and if there isn’t much to begin with, it can be devastating.

Self-esteem also often takes a big hit when someone’s net worth is lowered, whereas stress often heightens. When children are involved, a whole new set of issues arises, such as child support and providing care solely.

Challenges In Fatherhood And Custody

When a divorce includes children, the effects can become even more severe. Even in the modern day, men receive only about 35% of custody time with their children on average. This means that the father doesn’t get to live with their children all year — or even at all in extreme cases.

This takes a significant toll on a man and can lead to depression and other health problems. Even when a father tries to be as involved as possible, society often labels them negatively or prevents them from fulfilling a full-time role in their children’s lives.

Impact On Children’s Perception

Children of all ages can be severely affected by a divorce. As stated before, women usually get majority custody. So naturally, this means that a child may not get to have their father in their life as much as they need.

Whether they mean to or not, mothers may portray the father in a bad light because of personal turmoil, which shapes the child’s point of view. This may cause a child to see their dad as absent. Over time, resentment may build up, and it is not uncommon for divorced fathers to have poor relationships or no relationship at all with their children.

The Loneliness Of Divorce Without Children

Separating couples without kids may indeed avoid a lot of legal turmoil — often they can just mediate and split the assets. Even without the involvement of children, the effects of divorce on men are still significant.

Legal troubles may be lessened, however, a man is often left to cope entirely by themselves. Over time, this may lead to severe mental and physical health problems.

Divorce For Men: Seeking Legal And Emotional Support

While divorce can’t be sugar-coated or simplified, there are parts of the experience that can lessen the stress on the people involved. Ensuring that the legal process goes smoothly is just one more concern that you don’t have to worry about.

An experienced divorce lawyer can assist separating couples in keeping everything in perspective for a smooth divorce, and a healthy co-parenting relationship can be maintained. Call the professionals at Bineham & Gillen to assist with your divorce or custody needs.