Probate Attorney In San Antonio, TX | Bineham & Gillen Family Law


Protecting Estate Assets Through Probate

Probate is a legal process essential for managing the estate of someone who has passed away. It involves validating the deceased’s will, settling debts and distributing remaining assets to beneficiaries according to the law.

At Bineham & Gillen, we specialize in guiding San Antonio families through the probate process with understanding and compassion.

What Is Probate?

Probate is the court-supervised process of administering a deceased person’s estate. Its primary objectives include:

  • Validating the will — Ensuring the deceased’s will is legally valid and reflects their final wishes
  • Identifying and inventorying assets — Compiling a comprehensive list of the deceased’s assets, including property, investments and personal belongings
  • Paying debts and taxes — Settling outstanding debts, taxes and expenses owed by the estate using available assets
  • Distributing assets — Distributing remaining assets to beneficiaries named in the will or according to state intestacy laws if there is no will

Probate serves as a structured legal process aimed at validating the deceased’s will, inventorying assets, settling debts and ultimately distributing assets to designated beneficiaries or heirs.

Probate Court

Probate happens in probate court, where a judge manages the estate process. The court makes sure the executor or personal representative follows the law when handling the estate.

Probate court hearings can include checking the will, settling disputes among heirs, and approving the final distribution of assets.

The Role Of A Probate Attorney

In estate administration, a probate attorney or probate lawyer provides essential legal guidance and representation. They specialize in probate law and assist executors or personal representatives in navigating the complexities of the probate process.

Probate attorneys ensure compliance with state laws, prepare necessary court documents and advocate for their clients’ interests in probate court proceedings. ​​At Bineham & Gillen, we offer dependable legal help and make sure your interests are protected throughout the probate process.

Benefits Of Hiring A Probate Attorney

Navigating the complexities of probate can be daunting, but enlisting the competency of a probate attorney can streamline the process and ensure your loved one’s wishes are honored.

Engaging a probate attorney offers several advantages:

  • Legal proficiency — Access to specialized knowledge of probate laws and procedures, ensuring efficient estate administration
  • Conflict resolution — Resolving disputes among heirs or challenges to the will effectively, minimizing delays and litigation
  • Asset protection — Safeguarding estate assets and ensuring proper distribution to beneficiaries in accordance with the deceased’s wishes or state law

By securing the services of a probate attorney, you can confidently navigate the intricacies of estate administration, protect assets and resolve potential disputes with clarity and efficiency.

What Does Probate Mean For Executors And Beneficiaries?

Executors appointed in a will have fiduciary responsibilities to manage the estate’s affairs diligently and ethically. They oversee asset distribution, manage estate finances and ensure compliance with probate court directives. Beneficiaries, on the other hand, await the distribution of inheritances and may participate in probate proceedings to protect their interests.

Choosing The Right Probate Lawyer

Selecting a qualified probate lawyer is essential for effective estate administration:

  • Experience — Look for a lawyer with extensive experience in probate law and a track record of successful case outcomes.
  • Reputation — Consider recommendations from trusted sources and client testimonials that attest to the lawyer’s professionalism and commitment.
  • Personalized service — Ensure the lawyer offers personalized attention and clear communication throughout the probate process, addressing your unique needs and concerns.

At Bineham & Gillen, our probate attorneys are dedicated to providing compassionate support and legal guidance in navigating probate with confidence.

Trust Bineham & Gillen For Trusted Probate Guidance

Probate is a critical process that ensures the orderly distribution of an estate’s assets according to the deceased’s wishes or state law. At Bineham & Gillen, we understand the complexities of probate and are committed to helping clients navigate this process efficiently and with integrity.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you in administering an estate or addressing probate-related concerns.

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WHAT WE DOHow we can help you?

For the top estate planning attorneys in San Antonio, Bineham & Gillen is ready to fight for you! We have more than 30 years of experience in will and trust writing, power of attorney and probate law. Contact us today for fair, compassionate and smart solutions.


Our experienced team crafts thorough wills that secure your intentions and protect your loved ones, making us the trusted choice for your legacy.


With our strategic trust planning, safeguard your assets and ensure your beneficiaries’ future is secure and managed according to your wishes.

ESTATE PLANNINGHealthcare Directives

We help you take control of your medical decisions with clear, legally binding healthcare directives, ensuring your wishes are respected.

ESTATE PLANNINGPower of Attorney

Empower a reliable representative with our comprehensive Power of Attorney services, safeguarding your interests and ensuring peace of mind.

ESTATE PLANNINGMedical Power of Attorney

Ensure your health decisions are in trusted hands with our meticulous drafting of Medical Power of Attorney documents.


Our probate specialists streamline the complex process of estate settlement, minimizing stress and maximizing outcomes for beneficiaries.


We establish robust guardianships to protect those who cannot protect themselves, providing legal oversight and compassionate care.