Same-sex family law has seen significant changes, sparking both controversy and confusion. However, the divorce attorneys at Bineham & Gillen stay up-to-date on the latest legal developments about gay marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships. We’ll help you understand how the law applies to you, your partner and your family.
Generally, the same concerns that involve family law also apply to same-sex family law. However, same-sex partners do not have all the legal protections that husbands and wives do. Marriage of opposite- and same-sex couples requires a commitment that affects all areas of your life, long after a divorce or separation. When thinking about such partnerships and possible legal contracts, it is a good idea to have a qualified lawyer draft them for you.
How do you know if you can file for divorce? LGBTQ+ divorces, like opposite-sex divorces, have a couple of important requirements. You are eligible to file for divorce in Texas if:
You also need to decide if you want to file a fault or no-fault divorce. While the filing fee is the same, this decision could change the proceedings of your divorce drastically. A fault divorce labels one of the spouses at fault (abuse, abandonment, cruelty, infidelity, etc.) and can affect anything from the length of the divorce to child custody agreements.
Common-law marriages are the main gray area that same-sex divorces can struggle with. While all states are legally required to recognize same-sex marriages, common-law marriages are slightly different. If you entered into a common-law marriage, a divorce gets a little trickier. You will have to prove several things:
Since Texas is a community property state, both spouses could own property if it was acquired during the marriage. Knowing the exact date of the start of your common-law marriage could help settle any disputes.