International Divorce Attorney | Bineham & Gillen Family Law International Divorce Attorney | Bineham & Gillen Family Law

FAQsWhat’s The International Divorce Process Like In Texas?

International Divorces

International divorce laws are extremely complicated. Not properly understanding them can lead to even more problems, when traditional divorce proceedings are already complicated enough. To ensure your rights are protected, we recommend an experience international divorce attorney who can guide you through the incredibly confusing process.

two people pointing at documents and a laptop during a discussion
a gavel and scales of justice on top of books in a legal setting

Common Scenarios

International laws such as Mahr agreements and the Hague Convention vary across countries. For example, the Marhr agreements, which are complicated and religious in nature, depart from standard divorce law. Child support, child custody and finances are just a few of the ways international divorces can vary across jurisdictions.

Meanwhile, expatriates and cases where each spouse is from a different country can further complicate divorce cases. In the case of expatriates, it can be hard getting the needed support and there are feelings of isolation. For cases where both spouses are from other countries, divorce law becomes even more convoluted.

International Divorce Lawyers

It takes a seasoned divorce attorney with expertise in divorce law to help clients get the best outcome. To ensure that an international marriage is properly dissolved, it is vital that every step of the process is properly executed. Benefit from the more than three decades of expertise in international law by partnering with Bineham & Gillen today.

two people shaking hands over a table with paperwork